I have always homeschooled. I have always wanted to homeschool, my husband however, has not always been on the same page. So our compromise was always that should one of the kids ever decide they wanted to go to school, we would let them try. Well, that has finally happened.
I went through quite a while of begging and pleading, then I realized I was acting like a 2 year old. :)
So I let go.
I have left it with my God who can perfectly handle it. She isn't really mine, she is HIS. So, that being said, I am letting go, and trusting in God.
This may not be a big deal to many people. But, for me, I feel to stay home, and be at home, raising children, and serving my husband. So now I'm just doing that a little differently.
Here is my daughter, sideways, because I can't turn it. On her first day of school.