Tuesday, January 05, 2010

A new year.....

Our Family. This start of a new year is going very well. School went very well yesterday, and I'm hoping for a repeat performance today.
I received the most wonderful gift today from one of my daycare parents- The book called "Country wisdom and know-how"' I'm so excited! Today I took the remains of a chicken that I used for chicken and dumplings and put it in the crockpot filled with water. I'm going to take leftover rice and some veggies and we will have that with some rolls for dinner. Till Tommorow, Amy

Monday, January 04, 2010

A look back....

Our First Garden and chickens

At Washington county lake

I took some time this morning and took a look back on here at the posts from the past years. Wow! I'm amazing at the twists and turn my life has taken, but I also recongnize the growth. So many changes. Here are some pictures from the last year.....

Dad's 50th birthday (this was soon after we moved to illinois)