Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Point lookout state park

To see these pics and see our last fieldtrip in MD, go to my other blog site...

I just don't feel like re posting all the pics!
Thanks, Amy

Cody's Birthday

Making Noodles

This is us making noodles for chicken and dumplings. It took Cody a couple of times to get a good smile, but it is so funny. The top photo is Cody's Noodle version of Africa. Backwards of course.

More Crafts

Making Soap

This is Briannah making soap with the crafts kits She got from Grandma and Grandpa Welles for Christmas. She really loved this.


The Christmas eve Pjs

Putting up the Christmas Tree

Some of these are blurry, but it's the best I can do.!

Briannah's birthday

This year Briannah combined her money from her grandparents and bought something big! Then she had some left over to buy some more pets. She was very thrilled with her purchase. Thanks Grandparents!